
random and wanton

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Today,I chatted with an old friend online. "Old friend" .Harhar. I remember a song I used to sing in highschool.Actually I sang the song all through kindergarten,primary school and secondary school...
"Make new friends,but keep the old
One is Silver and the other,Gold"
Sometimes,the teachers would sing it.Other times they would say it,enunciation,perfect-making it seem like a great chunk of wisdom,that had helped them through their careers.We were never told why the distinction existed...why Silver and Gold.But now I know the answer.BS. Yes,bullshit. That has to be one of the most idiotic phrases ever concocted.God bless all you teachers that taught me to read and write,but damn...sometimes u guys acted like plain dipshits.Oops,I'm diverging....neway,after chatting with this friend,I came to question the validity of the old skool rhyme,and was delighted to see the BS detector light up as if to say "I never thought this day would come".Why should we classify friends as silver and gold? All my friends are gold to me..if you're not gold,basically,you're not my friend.Simple.No prolonged rant.