
random and wanton

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I love waking up on weekend mornings,my room window facing the east...a recepient of the full blast of the weekend sun. For some reason,the sun always seems more pleasant on weekends,especially Sunday. I can hardly remember a Sunday when I didn't appretiate the beauty of the morning sun.
I love taking a bath,my mind invigorated by the icey cold needles of water blasting from the shower...making plans for the day,anaylyzing a strange dream from the night before.Thoughts are always slow and clear for me when thought about beneath the shower...
I love coming downstairs and making breakfast while Grandma potters around in the garden,Grandpa reads his papers in the living room and Tini,the maid cleans up the remnants of my Aunts breakfast...I love eating with a sense security-that I have my day planned out...it might be out with friends,or a project in college..whatever it was,I was glad that I was going to do it...
Driving out of the gates,past Kanna's Curry House,just to smell the breakfast smells...Teh Tarik,Nasi Lemak...smiling as I raced past the plastic chairs and tables encroaching dangerously into the road-a look in my rearview mirror shows that my antic went unnoticed,just normal Malaysians having a meal in plastic chairs 2 feet away from the middle of a busy side road.
I love getting onto the Fedral Highway just before the mid afternoon jam...brain on automatic,gear shift in manual. I love smiling at the malay family in the Kancil next to me,the curiosity of their tudong clad faces causing me to break out into a larger smile,till the image of a young man with a huge afro and multiple piercings sinks into their heads..but its too late to smile back,cos we're off again...
I love getting to college and driving around for 30 minutes looking for parking,while responding to greetings from a million friends lepaking outside the cyber cafes,mamak stalls and stationary shops...love parking 20 minutes away from college and walking in the broiling midday sun past the rush of cubicle office workers rushing to lunch their irritated countenances changing rapidly to that of extreme irritation with a glance at my smiling ridiculous head...
I love finishin the business of the day off at the cybercafe...my trusty wizard laying waste to the scoundrels of Azteroth...roaming barren myterious lands in the quest for higher upgrades and dumbass players from mainland China that use chinese characters for their player names,so that I can lead them into unwitting traps where my teammates massacre them...I love making my appointment for the club with the usual "Voyeur tonite,k?!"..
Love going hitting the club by 11:30, love the multiracial mix of underage expat kids squandering their parents money on broke macha brothers...love hitting the pool table with my boys as we wait for the rest of the gang,knowing that we have our pick of any laydee in the club,if we only got of our lazy asses and tried...
Love getting warmed up with R&B and a lil help from my expensive friend Jack Daniel..or Jim Beam..whoevers in the house...love making eye contact with a foxy lady...luv moving in for the kill...love holding her close to me...our sweat intermingling and all kinds of unhealthy things happening...
I love the feeling of dehydration and the wind as it turns my sweat cold when I step past the bouncer...love watching the changing expressions of my friends when they realize its the last song and they're not getting some tonite...I love sitting in the mamak watching the malay bums make fun of drunk foreigners,glad its not me...watching the single chicks drive away with regret in my eyes...love the fact that I'm still with the same friends I came with to the club...love that we can laugh about the night,hugs kisses and "see u on Monday's"...its the end of another KL weekend...
Love hitting the bed,content..hoping it'll never end..
I love waking up on Mondays,to feel the...