
random and wanton

Friday, January 16, 2004

Registration over at last!! After being throw around and lost in the bureaucratic jumble that is WSU academic registration...I finally emerged with a decent time table,which include 3 communication classes and one on creative writing...yay!!
I can't wait for this semester to finish....I hate the weather...hate the town...hate the lameass programs on T.V. Speaking of lameass T.V shows,WTF is that show "Dismissed" all about? Its a whole load of bullcrap if you ask me. Two dudes battle furiously and lamely to get a girl to like them. Is this the type of garbage Americans are forced to watch? Whats the target audience? Retards? I love the way MTV takes advantage of cultural stereotypes..or maybe its just the dumbasses participating...
A Chinese American dude says"My friends call me the Asian persuasion.One u go Asian the party's fucking...whatever.Then the African American has his own extremely witty comeback "once you go black,you can't go back"Plus the girl they're going after is white. Again I marvel at MTV...is there a secret dumbass population of their viewers that ENJOY this?
I don't mind The Real World,cos its more of a comedy.Its like the dorm where I live minus the glitzy parties and nice hotel rooms.There's no end to the morons I encounter...theres a system to The Real World ...Hang out,have nice meals at overpriced restaurants and form superficial friendships,then proceed to the club in the night where everyone gets drunk and screws each other.Wake up in the morning all confused and unsure about ur status among your newfound fake friends...proceed to confide in aforementioned fake friend. Fake friend become ur boyfriend/girl friend...repeat till the dumbasses in my dorm get bored with it and want another reality show...all this done with a freaking camera in your face...
To be fair,my knowledge of The Real World and other MTV reality crap comes from 10 second glances while flipping through channels trying to get to adult swim..so I might be wrong.
I hate the Midwest.