
random and wanton

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I knock on the door of a pastor. Four quick raps and I wait showing a three quarter profile and half a grin. The door opens and a dark complexioned middle aged African American man steps out. His hair is relaxed,or burnt or whatever with a sideparting-yes a sideparting.His eyes are piercingly blue-they pierce me.Seriously-whats up with African Americans and blue eyes?
This is how the conversation went:

ML: *huge grin* Heloooooooooo! You must be the Rev Street! Its a pleasu...
Rv.Street: "How do you know my name?"
ML: The folks next door-they were kind enough to tell me you were the reverend of the churc...
Rv Street: "I'm not a reverend-I'm a pastor-Reverend is a social term.Befor you come knocking on my door invading my privacy you have to know exactly what you are selling.
ML:*apologetically* "oh, I'm sorry-my English not so good". I meant...
Rv. Street: *shaking his head slightly so as not to disrupt his coiffure* "Listen to me,young man-you are in my house now, MY HOUSE,o.k? So you must listen to me.
ML: "Maybe I came at the wrong...
Rv.Street:"Listen to me-where are you from?"
ML: Malaysia..actually-all over-Nigeria as well.
Rv.Street:" Well, son, this is America-not Nigeria or Malaywherever you come from.Its the wrong season and wrong time for invading privacy.I'm not interested in whatever you have.Not interested".
ML: "It'll take less than 5 minutes-by simply looking at it you'd be helping me gain college credit"
Rv.Street: "Not interested at all-I don't care.Listen-I won't even tell you who I am becau-
Ml: "The folks next door.."
Rv.Street: "where are you standing right now?"
ML:"On your porch?"
Rv.Street:*veins throbbing"YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE, MY HOUSE! I was in the military for 40 years-intelligence-Germany,the Middle-East, I've been all over the US.I dont give out my name.Do you know, that with that ID you just flashed at me, I can got to my computer back there and destroy you entirely"
ML:*under my breath* "WTF" ..."yeah...its a possibility"
Rv.Street: *warming up* "Possibility? Its a fact,young man.I.can.destroy.you. You see my skin?
Rv.Street: "Its black like yours"

At this point in ,I should have left, but I needed some entertainment so I indulged him.

ML: *feigning surprise*: "its is!"
Rv.Street: "dont get sarcastic with me boy! Just because we have the smae skin colour doesn't mean that I'll let you into my house"
ML: "That has nothing to do with.."
Rev.Street:*rolling is blue eyes* "I knowwwwwwwwww...but when you ancestor was being sold on the coast of Johannesburg 400 years ago-did his brother that betrayed him know what he was doing?"
ML: "rev-sorry ..Sir-firstly, my ancestors were West African and South Indian, and had no business on the coast of South Africa.Secondly, my last name isn't Street"
Rev.Street:*totally ignoring the comment* "He was using a name!Using a name, he betrayed his brother to slavery! So when you come invading my privacy, remember you ancestor on the coast of Johannes..."
ML: "My company also has a wonderful Black History set-I'm sure you'd love to take a peek at it."
Rev.Street: "Goodbye"
ML: "Wait,wait! Can you give me soem advice on a better job to try,to pay my tuition?"
Rev.Street: "Have you heard of McDonalds? Hundreds of students work hard at jobs that dont invade peoples privacy to pay their fees"

See what I have to deal with?


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