
random and wanton

Monday, September 13, 2004

Season of WanderLust
by MephisLee
It has to do with seasons, these proclivities to wander with reckless abondon, both in body and spirit. The proximity of Fall is suspect. If there was a demon that periodically possesed me, it would be named WanderLust. It would come as the winds grow cold and the flowers droop,shedding tears of petals,their dance over for the season. I remember how I wished to write about Spring, but couldn't bring myself to express the freshness and genesis of multicolored beaty around me.Har har True, it was beauty, but it didn't propell me in a primal sense. Fall does that. I am WanderLust. Do you ever feel it? The need to leave your home, during a particular season, for no good reason? Is it instinctive? I have no clue, but I feel it every year,at the same period...
Sit under a tree raining dying leaves,listen to the wind;hear the primitive foreboding in your soul.Its hair-raising and I would howl like a wolf, if I wasn't on campus, and passing students weren't wondering what the fuck I was doing playing buddah under a tree.


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